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Announcing our 26th Annual Contest Longlists

We are pleased to present longlists for our 26th annual literary contest. Our judges read through 166 stories and 347 poems. Thank you to all writers who entered and congratulations to all of the following writers:


Fiction Longlist

"Will There Be Clowns?" by Steven Benstead
"What is Good" by Susan Sanford Blades
"The Foundation" by Ann Cavlovic
"Smoke and Mirrors" by Rhonda Collis
"Nothing is Just" by Richard Cumyn
"Fingers" by Graeme Desrosiers    
"Foundry" by Andrew Evans
"Blues Too Bright" by Kate Finegan
"Spawn Point" by Christopher Graham-Rombough
"Swampland" by Jeffrey Griffiths
"Seam" by David Huebert
"What Falls Between" by A.M. Lang
"Yellow-Watch" by Carmelinda Scian
"Paradise" by Claire Aimée Shiplett
"Snow" by Claire Wilkshire

Poetry Longlist

"Blessing the Boats" by Tammy Armstrong
"Fabric" by Dominique Bernier-Cormier
"Ocean.gif" by Dominique Bernier-Cormier
"S(w)ing-night" by Benjamin C Dugdale
"Tetanus, potpourri" by Benjamin C Dugdale
"Down the Roads (II)" by Harold Hoefle
"Tiller" by Annick MacAskill
"Portrait of 3 Colours" by Katie Murphy
"The Other End of the Telescope" by Mitchell Parry
"Portrait of Helene Klimt" by Branka Petrovic
"They called him Wing" by Pamela Porter
"Finnegan's Wake" by Paula Jane Remlinger
"Superman: Phone Booths" by Paula Jane Remlinger
"Bluegrass" by Kim Trainor
"Claro" by Kim Trainor

Stay tuned, as we will announce the winners in early April. 

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